Eric Wezenberg

I am genuinely interested in people, what matters to them, what their dreams are, what motivates them

“I’m genuinely interested in people, what matters to them, what their dreams are, what motivates them.”


“Making an environment that supports these things is what drives me. HFor me, it’s not about putting my personal stamp on an interior design. My satisfaction  comes from satisfied and enthusiastic clients and end users.


Communicative, pragmatic and with a highly developed sense of quality – that’s how I would like to describe myself.


I prefer not to reach for the drawing pencil too soon. I like to develop in an inspiring and open interaction with clients and end users. In doing so, I pay special attention to the sensitivities which a change of  interior can involve.  The truth is, many people are atached to familiar things. I respect that, and at the same time I stimulate them to look further. With my communicative skills, I am able to get organisations on board in the transition to the flexible workspace.”